Thursday, March 19, 2009

Geithner Must Go

From the fiasco of the AIG bonuses it shows the Treasury Secretary Geithner is totally lack of common sense lack alone political sense. The excuse of giving bonuses is so lame that only a fool will believe. First of all, most if not all of those executives receiving bonuses should be fired for loosing so much money in the first place. Even for those who are running units that were profitable, in today’s employment climate where would they go to find another fat cat job? Even they do leave; they are so many capable people in the market to fill the shoes. No one is irreplaceable and that applies to Geithner too!

Geithner with his own tax problem should not been nominated and confirmed to begin with and by backing this foolish guy, it also shows Obama’s slogan of “Change” is nothing more than a smoke screen.